Party Safe: Wiggle Room’s Essential Guide

Going out for Halloween parties? Make sure to keep safety a top priority. Here’s a quick guide by our staff TAKiN, Mitch and Tanya to ensure you have a good time while staying responsible and looking out for yourself and others.

1. Stay Home if You’re Unwell: If you feel under the weather, it’s best to skip the party. You won’t want to spread anything or make yourself worse.

2. Carry Your Essentials: Always have your ID, emergency contact info, and allergy details.

3. Consider Wearing a Mask: Remember, a hot, sweaty, and loud environment means close contact. Breathing in each other’s air is a fast way to spread viruses.

4. Buddy System: Avoid travelling alone. Stick with friends and keep an eye out for each other. If you’re going solo, inform someone in charge.

5. Safe Parking: Park in a well-lit, designated area. Steer clear of alleyways.

6. Watch Your Drinks & Food: Don’t leave your food or drinks unattended, and don’t accept treats from strangers.

7. Wiggle Responsibly: Have a solid meal before heading out and keep tabs on your consumption. Nobody wants to be the one everyone has to babysit!

8. Respect Personal Space: Always respect the people around you. Don’t touch anyone without consent; give everyone the space they deserve.

9. Ear Plugs & Hygiene Supplies: Some places may not have ear plugs or feminine hygiene products, so be prepared. But please, don’t flush them down the toilet.

10. If You See Something, Say Something: Speak to security or staff if you notice something.

11. Know Where You’re Going: Not all venues or parties have the same health and safety standards. It’s important to do some research and know the policies, especially regarding harm reduction and sexual violence prevention.

12. Wiggle Room Safeword: Banana: If you need to discreetly ask for help, just say “banana.”

13. Plan Your Ride Home: Always have a plan for getting home safely after the party.

Following these tips, you’ll set yourself and others up for a fun, safe, and memorable night. Happy wiggling!

Skeleton being held
Photo from a Past Halloween